
renown [rɪˈnaʊn]  [rɪˈnaʊn] 

renown 基本解释


名词名望,声誉; 威名; 声威

renown 相关例句



1. He is an artist of great renown.

renown 网络解释

1. 声望等级:你的声望等级(Renown)、当前声望值(Fame)以及你距离下次升级声望还需要的声望值(Nextlevel)在你个人菜单的左上角. 前天钓鱼,居然先钓上来了一只彩蜘蛛(tunnelwidowing)的鱼,然后又钓上来了一只 flawlesscarp,就是那个能永久变飞龙的鱼,

2. 名望:另外就是关於原初名望(renown)的系统. renown共有五种,不仅是背景上的社会阶级,也代表狼人在影界的地位与精灵力量,在影界renown从外貌即可一目了然. 游戏机制上原初名望以经验值购买,影响灵赋的成败与所能习得的灵赋等级上限.

3. 名声,名望:renovate 修理,更新 | renown 名声,名望 | renowned 著名的

renown 词典解释

1. 名望;声望
    A person of renown is well known, usually because they do or have done something good.

    e.g. She used to be a singer of some renown...
    e.g. Mailly's work achieved little renown.

renown 单语例句

1. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares.

2. Yu's work has earned him great renown, leading many government entities to commission works by him.

3. He says his ambition is to become a professional chef of world renown and believes working in Hefei is good preparation for this goal.

4. Their plans promise to both bring renown to the region and to turn it into a magnet for foreign investment in the coming years.

5. Renown needs to boost earnings after three consecutive years of posting net losses, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

6. Renown Medical Center spokeswoman Kathy Carter confirmed that two others died, but did not provide their identities.

7. renown什么意思

7. As media reports brought Xiong further renown, she was gradually recognized as a spokeswoman for vulnerable migrant workers.

8. renown的意思

8. Great men of past times have filled Zhejiang's history with their deeds, and its land with their renown.

9. " We'll have a good mix of emerging and renown artists, " she said.

10. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1936 and gained renown as " the orchestra of soloists ".

renown 英英释义



1. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed

    Synonym: fame celebrity