
rental [ˈrentl]  [ˈrɛntl:] 


rental 基本解释



rental 相关例句



1. The quarterly rental will be $50,000.

rental 网络解释


1. 租金:租金(Rental) 租金是承租人使用租赁物而向出租人支付的对价. 租金包含了购买租赁物的大部分或者全部成本以及出租人的合理利润. 随着租赁业务的发展,当事人经常根据承租人对租赁物租金(Rental) 租金是承租人使用租赁物而向出租人支付的对价.

2. 出租:因此,人们通常将租赁区分为传统租赁和现代租赁,并习惯用出租(Rental)和租赁(Leasing)两个词来区分以融通财物为单一目的的简单的出租行为和以融通资金和追求利润为目的的复杂的租赁信用方式.

3. 租:他强调,实际上美国只有长租(Leasing)和短租(Rental)之分. 6个月以内为短租,租赁时间由承租人根据自己的需要决定. 超过6个月为长租,有合约,到期后承租人可以选择是否买下租赁商品,租赁方式之间没有绝对的界限. 长租、短租共性大于差异,

rental 词典解释

1. 租用;出租;租赁
    The rental of something such as a car or piece of equipment is the activity or process of renting it.

    e.g. We can organise car rental from Chicago O'Hare Airport.
    e.g. ...Scotland's largest video rental company.

2. rental什么意思

2. 租金;租用费
    The rental is the amount of money that you pay when you rent something such as a car, property, or piece of equipment.

    e.g. It has been let at an annual rental of 393,000.

3. 租用的;出租的
    You use rental to describe things that are connected with the renting out of goods, properties, and services.

    e.g. A friend drove her to Oxford, where she picked up a rental car...
    e.g. Repairs and improvements can lead to higher rental rates.

rental 单语例句

1. Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.

2. rental的解释

2. Cab drivers went on strike in another two Chinese towns on Monday, demanding government intervention on issues including high monthly cab rental fees and unlicensed taxis.

3. Tenant representatives said that if the housing body does not do so soon, they would call upon tenants to delay rental payment.

4. He started investing in real estate outside the mainland in 2003 for better capital gains from sale or rental yields.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Despite strong leasing activity, the average rental level was slightly lower.

6. It expects to be profitable through charging an information fee from both passengers and the car rental company.

7. In addition to increasing rental fees, car lenders have also imposed additional requirements and stricter cancellation policies.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. But the rental exemption would somewhat offset her clearance discount that ranged from 35 percent to 60 percent.

9. Soaring rental costs of shops in prime tourist areas have forced many smaller retail players to close shop or move out.

10. Another problem is that Beijing's bicycle rental scheme is to be operated by a company where profit margins come into play.

rental 英英释义


1. the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car)

    Synonym: renting

2. rental

2. property that is leased or rented out or let

    Synonym: lease letting


1. of or relating to rent

    e.g. rental agreement
           rental charges

2. available to rent or lease

    e.g. a rental car