1. Breakfast at our house is a light repast.
1. 餐:repair 修理,修补,改正 | repast 餐 | repatriate 遣返,归国
2. 餐饮:reparation 补偿 | repast 餐饮 | repeal 撤销
3. 饭:成濑巳喜男Mikio Naruse (1905-1969) | 饭Repast(1951) | 银座化妆 Ginza gesho (1951)
4. 餐,食量,就餐:pastoralism 田园情趣,畜牧主义,牧歌体 | repast 餐,食量,就餐 | propel 推进,推动
1. To celebrate the Easter tradition, delight your family with a sumptuous repast accompanied by amusing egg and gift hunting.
2. A sumptuous repast accompanied by amusing egg and gift hunting will add joy to your delights.
3. The bowl is kept in the moonlight for cooling and families and friends gather on terraces to enjoy a moonlit repast.
4. The relentless heat chips away any desire for a hot meal, and the palate longs for a refreshing repast that will assuage both hunger and thirst.