名词连发枪,打簧表; 转电线圈
1. 转发器:+ 转发器(Repeater),也叫做网络转发器,是一类重建到来的电子、无线或光学信号的网络设备. 有了物理媒体如以太网或 Wi-Fi ,数据传输在信号降级之前仅能跨越一个有限范围. 转发器尝试来保护信号的完整性和扩展数据能够安全传输的距离.
2. 围盘:在平辊上或在箱形孔型中使用的卫板称为简围盘 (repeater) 在横列式轧机上引导轧件回转180. 并正确地进入下一个孔型用的半圆形导向装置. 使用围盘操作可代替笨重的体力劳动;提高轧制速度,显著地缩短间隙时间,从而提高轧机生产能力;
1. (electronics) electronic device that amplifies a signal before transmitting it again
e.g. repeaters can be used in computer networks to extend cabling distances
2. a firearm that can fire several rounds without reloading
Synonym: repeating firearm
3. someone who is repeatedly arrested for criminal behavior (especially for the same criminal behavior)
Synonym: recidivist habitual criminal
4. repeater的解释
4. a person who repeats
e.g. the audience consisted largely of repeaters who had seen the movie many times