1. 复制品:如果一张表被复制了,一个事务中的所有的写操作都会应用到所有的这些复制品(replicas)上,如果某些复制品(replicas)不可访问,写操作也能成功执行,而那些漏掉的复制品(replicas)将在它们恢复后更新.
2. 副本:注意同一个数据f可以有多个副本(replicas)存储在不同结点上. 这种情况在P2P中很常见,譬如P2P文件共享应用中的多个文件副本,以及多服务器联合服务时由不同服务器提供的相同服务. 这里副本不计入M中.
3. 冒牌货:冒充他人的**imposter | 冒牌货replicas | 持有伪钞possessing counterfeit banknotes
1. The replicas include a set of four ceramic slabs decorated with geometrical and flower patterns, a linen textile piece and many sculptures.
2. An exhibition of high quality replicas Ming and Qing dynasty ceramic masterpieces will be held in the hall over the same period.
3. Replicas of Yao Ming's Rockets jersey are also expected to sell even well as his fame and charisma increase.
4. The park will include a museum, a monument and replicas of wartime barracks and command post.
5. It is often difficult to distinguish between these replicas and the genuine articles, so smugglers declare the relics as handicrafts and try to take them abroad.
6. The objects are not meant to be faithful replicas of what existed in nature, but nature as contemplated and transformed by inquisitive and stylistic eyes and hands.
7. It performs on original period instruments or replicas, using techniques faithful to the time when the pieces were composed.
8. The originals and replicas of furniture in the latest show are mainly wooden chairs with streamlined design.
9. Increasing numbers of Beijing residents are satisfying their interest in ancient Chinese culture by buying replicas of antiques at markets around the capital.
10. As Wu had only made motionless plane replicas for museums and exhibition halls, everyone in his family was against the idea of making moveable tanks.