
repose [rɪˈpəʊz]  [rɪˈpoʊz] 






repose 基本解释



repose 相关例句



1. We repose complete confidence in his honesty.

2. She reposed her head on his shoulder.


1. Her trunk reposed on the carpet.

2. An old man reposed on a bench in the park.


1. Her mouth seemed always to be smiling, even in repose.

repose 网络解释


1. 休息,睡眠:report 叙述,公布 | repose 休息,睡眠 | reprehend 谴责,申斥

2. 休息:deposit 存款、下蛋、沉淀物 | repose 休息 | reticent 沉默不语的

3. 静止:repose period 静止期 | repose 静止 | reposition 复位

repose 词典解释

1. 休息;休憩;闲适
    Repose is a state in which you are resting and feeling calm.

    e.g. He had a still, almost blank face in repose...
    e.g. Its atmosphere is one of repose rather than excitement.

2. repose什么意思

2. 位于;安置于;坐落于
    If something reposes somewhere, it is there.

    e.g. Exquisite china soup dishes reposed on silver plates.

repose 单语例句

1. Senator Kennedy will lie in repose at the Library before the funeral.

2. After a private ceremony, the body was to lie in repose for public visitation through Tuesday.

3. repose是什么意思

3. They were to escort the body to the Reagan Library, where it was to lie in repose for public viewing.

4. repose

4. The highlight is a huge statue of Buddha lying peacefully in repose.

5. A separate memorial will take place Tuesday, when Stevens will lie in repose at All Saints Episcopal Church in Anchorage.

6. Buddhists among them lit incense sticks and chanted prayers for the repose of the souls of the departed.

repose 英英释义


1. freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

    e.g. took his repose by the swimming pool

    Synonym: rest ease relaxation

2. repose的意思

2. a disposition free from stress or emotion

    Synonym: quiet placidity serenity tranquillity tranquility

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    Synonym: peace peacefulness peace of mind serenity heartsease ataraxis


1. put or confide something in a person or thing

    e.g. These philosophers reposed the law in the people

2. to put something (eg trust) in something

    e.g. The nation reposed its confidence in the King

3. repose

3. put in a horizontal position

    e.g. lay the books on the table
           lay the patient carefully onto the bed

    Synonym: lay put down

4. lean in a comfortable resting position

    e.g. He was reposing on the couch

    Synonym: recumb recline

5. lie when dead

    e.g. Mao reposes in his mausoleum

6. be inherent or innate in

    Synonym: rest reside