
repository [rɪˈpɒzətri]  [rɪˈpɑ:zətɔ:ri] 



repository 基本解释


名词仓库; 贮藏室; 博物馆; 亲信

repository 相关例句



1. She was a repository of all his secrets.

2. The man is a repository of out-of-the-way knowledge.

repository 网络解释

1. 仓库:1.4 仓库(Repository)的建立与模块导入(Import)前面提过,仓库(Repository)是在CVS服务器中统一存放开发者文件版本的库. CVS服务器一般运行在Linux或者Unix系统下,因为需要CVS仓库稳定可靠,避免发生任何问题. 警示:在上图中,

2. 知识库:方便管理和共享:对于团队协作来说,知识库(Repository)是很重要的手段. 在Power Designer中虽然可以批量处理文件夹内的一组模型,但单个模型仍然是知识库的管理单元;而工程可以真正作为一个整体存在. 下图是工程在Power Designer浏览区(Browser)中的表示,

3. 资料档案库:那么在第5章和第6章中描述了如何创建您的第一个资料档案库(repository)并使之能通过网络使用. 在此之后,第3章和附录A将是发挥你CVS经验学习Subversion客户端的一条捷径.

repository 词典解释

1. repository的近义词

1. 贮存处;存放处;仓库
    A repository is a place where something is kept safely.

    e.g. A church in Moscow became a repository for police files.

2. 博学者;无所不知的人
    A repository of information is a person or group of people who know a lot of information about a particular place or subject.

    e.g. The repository of all important knowledge in a small town was the chief barman of the local pub.

repository 单语例句

1. Construction of a repository for production and operation has also started in Lanzhou as a complementary part of the base.

2. Every Chinese citizen is a Chinese cultural product, a repository of unique Chinese intangibles.

3. Lung had helped initially with Kaiping's submission to the world cultural body by stressing its value as a repository of overseas Chinese culture.

4. Harbin, capital of China's northernmost province Heilongjiang boasts a repository of some amazing old Russian architecture.

5. No country has opened such a repository, although Sweden has made significant progress in doing so.

6. In 2002, the Health Ministry built a memorial repository for the bones.

7. repository什么意思

7. The center is believed to have been the repository of equipment bought by the Iranian military that could be used in a nuclear weapons program.

8. At very rear of the temple is a sutra repository built against a cliff.

9. It is a symbolic tourist spot in Taishan Global Geopark and also a valuable repository of Taishan's geological features.

10. What he had stumbled upon was a valuable repository of Huanglong jade.

repository 英英释义


1. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping

    Synonym: depository deposit depositary

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2. a burial vault (usually for some famous person)

    Synonym: monument

3. a person to whom a secret is entrusted

    Synonym: secretary