



republicans 基本解释
拥护共和政体者,共和主义者( republican的名词复数 );
republicans 网络解释


1. 共和党:那时期美国的对外贸易(货物出口加上船队的运费利益),约占gnp的13%;闭关自守的代价高昂,14现在来看国会对禁运的态度. 当时的议员有两派:共和党(republicans)和联邦派(federalists). 1807

2. 共和党人:在这个群体中,有59%的人是共和党人(Republicans),36%的人是民主党人. 自由主义享有一份丰富的科学遗产(scientific heritage), 因为自由主义者是进步和变动(progress and change)的倡导者, 而科学是这两者的引擎.

3. 共和党员:Republican Palace 共和国宫 | Republicans 共和党员 | retaliatory strikes 反击

4. 加一千單位的金:kung fu - 快速建造 | republicans - 加一千單位的金 | call boggy - 加一千單位的食物

republicans 单语例句

1. republicans是什么意思

1. The " Wolf Clause " was a result of compromise made by Obama to Republicans to avoid possible bankruptcy of the US government.

2. Many congressional Republicans indicate they're unconvinced that such scenarios would occur, and some administration officials worry that it could take a financial calamity before Congress acts.

3. Democrats in Congress and civil liberties groups were critical of the administration's actions while Republicans voiced support.

4. republicans

4. Some Republicans oppose extending the payroll tax cut, calling it an unproven job creator that will only add to the country's massive debt.

5. But some fear that Bustamante's candidacy could lead more people to vote yes on the recall and hand the governor's office to the Republicans.

6. For the Republicans, incoming Majority Leader Eric Cantor said he hoped Obama would " reevaluate his position on regulations ".

7. Some Republicans on Capitol Hill privately questioned whether Rumsfeld could survive and were angry that he had not shared information with them.

8. republicans

8. Some Republicans agreed that the debate over a greater government role in health care will resonate far beyond Capitol Hill this week.

9. Capping two days of debate, the Senate also appeared ready to approve a rival measure backed by Republicans.

10. republicans的近义词

10. Obama and newly empowered Republicans each framed their rival political themes, ones that will carry them to the 2012 elections.