
repugnant [rɪˈpʌgnənt]  [rɪˈpʌɡnənt] 

repugnant 基本解释


形容词令人厌恶的; 矛盾的

repugnant 相关例句



1. All food was repugnant to me during my illness.

repugnant 网络解释

1. 令人厌弃的:reprove 责骂,谴责 | repugnant 令人厌弃的 | repulse 使厌恶,拒绝,逐退

2. 不一致的:repugnancy 反对 | repugnant 不一致的 | repulse 拒绝

3. 令人厌恶的:surreptitious鬼鬼祟祟的 | repugnant令人厌恶的 | pugn打(根)

4. 讨厌的 词根:pugn 打:obstinate 倔强的 固执己见的 | repugnant 讨厌的 词根:pugn 打 | soporific 催眠的

repugnant 词典解释

1. 让人反感的;令人厌恶的
    If you think that something is horrible and disgusting, you can say that it is repugnant .

    e.g. The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects...
    e.g. The Committee said his actions were improper and repugnant.

She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.
repugnant 单语例句

1. The leaders condemned all terrorist acts as criminal and unjustifiable, particularly the repugnant acts of suicide bombing and hostage taking.

2. Even though the rich were legally owed money, they were morally repugnant.

repugnant 英英释义



1. offensive to the mind

    e.g. an abhorrent deed
           the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee
           morally repugnant customs
           repulsive behavior
           the most repulsive character in recent novels

    Synonym: abhorrent detestable obscene repulsive