1. 解约:(2)可依不实陈述,请求解约(Rescission). 须证明对方为不实陈述,且不实陈述具重大性(Materiality),以及合理信赖(Justifiable reliance). 此系衡平法之救济. (3)依诈欺(Deceit)请求解约. 除证明(2)项中要件外,尚须证明其损害及被告之明知.
2. 解除合同:解除合同(Rescission)指合同当事人免除或终止履行合同义务的行为. 各国法律均认为解除合同是一种法律救济方法. 那么合同当事人在对方违约情况下是否可以解除合同呢?各国法律对构成解除合同的条件有着不同的规定,现介绍如下:
3. 解除:在该案由纽约州上诉法院审理后,特别审期庭和上诉庭都认为.纽约州的法律应得到适用,因而判决,原告在英国起诉并得到让被告支付临时性生活费的裁定构成了对该分居协议的解除(rescission)和毁弃,因此,应驳回起诉.
4. 废除:abscission 切断, 除去 | rescission 废除 | modification 更改, 修改, 修正
1. Yet other investors raised questions as to why Google had not disclosed the rescission offer earlier.
2. If a borrower terminates and repays the reverse mortgage within the rescission period, the insurance premium will be waived.
1. (law) the act of rescinding
the cancellation of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made
e.g. recission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent
Synonym: recission