
resetting [ri:'setɪŋ]  [ri:'setɪŋ] 





resetting 基本解释
重新安放或安置( reset的现在分词 );重拨;为出一套新题;重新安置,将…恢复原位;
resetting 网络解释


1. 复位:标签(Tags)就好像头(heads),它指向项目的某个历史场面,它们可以通过 git-tag(1) 命令列举出来:注意,如果当前的分支头是你唯一的指向具体的历史场面的引用的话,那么复位 (resetting) 这个分支将令你无法找回这个分支以前的所有历史纪录,

2. 重设:但他婉拒透露双方是否已对此展开接触. 据国外媒体报道,鲍尔默目前正走访旧金山湾区,外界臆测他此行可能拜会雅虎首席执行官罗茨(CarolBartz)讨论合作事宜. 针对经济的看法,鲍尔默说美国正处于数年的重设 (resetting) 阶段,未来规模可能缩小.

3. 重调定:因此认为压力感受性反射在动脉血压的长期调节中并不起重要作用.在慢性高血压患者或实验性高血 压动物中,压力感受性反射功能曲线向右移位.这种现象称为压力感受性反射的重调定(resetting),表示在高血压 的情况下压力感受性反射的工作范围发生改变,

4. 复归:reset time 积分时间 | resetting 复归 | resetting device 复归机构

resetting 单语例句

1. Vidim's remarks reflected concern by many in Central and Eastern Europe that the US interest in resetting ties with Moscow could come at their expense.

2. resetting在线翻译

2. Paul Watson said he identified a method to reliably trick personal computers and routers into shutting down electronic conversations by resetting the machines remotely.


3. A financial crisis is the symptom of financial imbalance, which requires appropriate adjustment and " resetting " whether one likes it or not.

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4. But resetting the terms of trade is no substitute for tackling the structural underpinnings of productivity.

5. Obama said a genuine resetting of relations between the countries must go beyond the governments and include a partnership between peoples.

6. resetting的近义词

6. The arrests came just days after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the US, which Obama said has succeeded in " resetting " the bilateral ties.


7. The recent affairs started by unknown MSN users can be avoided by resetting the MSN security system.

8. It would encourage greater awareness of what the important insights of behavioral finance tell us about the challenges of navigating regime changes and resetting systems.