
residents ['rezɪdənts]  ['rezɪdənts] 


residents 基本解释
居民( resident的名词复数 );住宿者;
residents 网络解释


1. 住院医生:进入医院以后,要有一两年轮科实习(Internship)然后做住院医生(Residents),最后可以做主治医师(Attendings)当然你水平比较高,可以竞争Chief(主任医师)国内医生在完成两年实习期后就必须考取中国卫生部颁发的行医执照.

2. 本国居民:广义的国际收支是指本国居民(residents)与非居民(non-residents)在某一段时期里所进行的全部经济交易的总括报告. 它的表述是建立在类似权责发生制的国际交易的基础(international transaction basis)之上,不仅仅是指支付差额.

3. 住民:此外,因社会结构改变及健保给付紧缩,长期照护机构住民(residents) 之需求性及疾病严重度也增加,因住民普遍有气管造口、鼻胃管和导尿管等侵入性装置,加上老年人衰老多病,免疫力差,又住在局限的空间,一旦爆发院内感染,

residents 单语例句

1. Residents and leaders of Massachusetts towns with sizable gay populations saw the ruling as a good business opportunity.

2. The bank also expects to make inroads into the wealth management business targeting local residents, he said.

3. US residents have made voicemail a way of life, where it often replaces the busy signal.

4. residents的意思

4. Despite the cost, hundreds of the city's residents are queuing to buy them to give as gifts.

5. residents的解释

5. Residents in some Chinese cities flocked to buy iodized salt, believing it could help ward off potential radiation effects.

6. Octopus Holdings Limited possesses a good deal of personal information pertaining to Hong Kong and mainland residents.

7. Residents will be allowed to buy up to 10 kilograms of frozen pork or beef, according to the report.

8. With electricity available only about two hours a day in much of the city, residents also were buying candles and lanterns.

9. But many residents argued that the high cost of buying a house and of living in Shanghai has made their incomes seem inadequate.

10. residents什么意思

10. Shenzhen residents may be saving some money by buying goods in Hong Kong.