1. 抵抗的:resistible 可抵抗的 | resistive 抵抗的 | resistivity 抵抗力
2. 有抵抗力的:resistance 阻抗 | resistive 有抵抗力的 | resistor 电阻器
3. 有阻力的电阻的:resistive transducer 电阻传感器 | resistive 有阻力的电阻的 | resistive-capacitive 阻-容的
4. 抵抗性:resistance wire ==> 抵抗線 | resistive ==> 抵抗性の | resistive paste ==> 抵抗ペースト
1. disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority
Synonym: insubordinate resistant
2. exhibiting or relating to electrical resistance
e.g. resistive load