
resolute [ˈrezəlu:t]  [ˈrɛzəˌlut] 

resolute 基本解释

形容词坚决的,刚毅的; 不动摇的

resolute 同义词


形容词adamant unyielding persevering bold willful resolved firm unbending decided game obstinate spirited

resolute 反义词


resolute 相关例句



1. Her resolute refusal came as a surprise.

2. She was a resolute woman.

resolute 网络解释

1. 坚决,果断的:resist 抵抗,对抗 | resolute 坚决,果断的 | resolve 决心; 分解,解决

2. 坚定的:resistance 抵抗 | resolute 坚定的 | resolutely 坚决地

3. 果断的:(5)considerate 体贴周到的 | (6)resolute果断的 | (7)serice quality服务质量

resolute 词典解释

1. 坚决的;坚定的;果断的
    If you describe someone as resolute, you approve of them because they are very determined not to change their mind or not to give up a course of action.

    e.g. Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader...
    e.g. He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.

He resolutely refused to speak English unless forced to...
The United States remains resolutely opposed to this.
resolute 单语例句

1. The new leadership's resolute measures to crack down on price hikes and restore market order were effective in helping calm down a panicked public.

2. China on Tuesday expressed its strong discontent and resolute opposition to Paris city council awarding the Dalai Lama honorary citizenship of the city.

3. The government also swears " resolute " curbs on excessive home price gains, intensified efforts to narrow income gaps and clampdown on corruption.

4. resolute是什么意思

4. It is a principle endorsed by the central authorities and shows it's resolute to crack this hard nut.

5. The way in which these cases were handled won resolute support from the people and were conducive to China's stability and development.

6. China may need to be more resolute and counterattack with peaceful means.

7. resolute的反义词

7. Chinese policymakers certainly deserve credit for their resolute efforts to battle surging inflation.

8. The CSA also underlined its resolute opposition against age fraud and vowed to make further investigations on the issue.

9. When determined to accomplish a task, they become dauntless and resolute.

10. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council had expressed " resolute opposition " to the Dalai Lama's trip.

resolute 英英释义



1. characterized by quickness and firmness

    e.g. his reply was unhesitating

    Synonym: unhesitating

2. firm in purpose or belief
    characterized by firmness and determination

    e.g. stood resolute against the enemy
           faced with a resolute opposition
           a resolute and unshakeable faith