
respondent [rɪˈspɒndənt]  [rɪˈspɑ:ndənt] 



respondent 基本解释


名词回答者; [法](特指离婚诉讼的)被告; [生]反应,反射

形容词应答的; 有反应的; [法]被告的

respondent 网络解释


1. 被申请人:申请书应详细具体,并包含所有必要信息,包括:n 申请人的全称和地址,及其在信用证、托收或担保业务中的角色;n 如果不是由争议各方共同提出申请,则须注明被申请人(Respondent)的全称和地址,及其在信用证、托收或担保业务中的角色;

2. 被告:同时,在主题演讲之后,ITC的法官和模拟审判团成员分别饰演法庭审理中的原告(Complaint)、被告(Respondent)及证人,生动地演示了对控辩双方的法庭辩论及对证人进行质证(Cross-Examination)的过程.

3. 响应者:这里教师是一个响应者(respondent)而不是领导者(director)教学工业化理论:教学工业化理论是基于经济和工业理论而提出来的. 它把远程教育系统作为工业生产的流程来看待,借用工业生产的一系列术语来分析远程教育过程,

respondent 词典解释

1. (调查和问题的)回答者;答卷人
    A respondent is a person who replies to something such as a survey or set of questions.

    e.g. 60 percent of the respondents said they disapproved of the president's performance.

2. 被告
    A respondent is someone who has to defend a case in a law court.

    e.g. In addition, the respondent disclosed professional confidences to one of the patients.

respondent 单语例句

1. A computer was the item most respondent wanted to buy in 2010, while travel was the second most popular.

2. respondent在线翻译

2. As sought by Disney, the respondent will transfer the domain name to Disney free of charge.

3. respondent的反义词

3. Respondent Nantong Medicines brought 300 sets of materials and 12 boxes of files to challenge the complainant.

4. " All reforms will suffer if corruption is not eliminated, " an anonymous respondent to the People's Daily online survey commented.

5. And another respondent said noise from nearby buildings, loudspeakers blaring from small shops and construction site noise had seriously disturbed residents'lives.

6. respondent什么意思

6. One respondent said dryly that Shanghai was great as long as you have a lot of money to spend.

7. The average respondent reported saving 22 percent of his income, a full 8 percentage points higher than his counterparts in the US and Great Britain.

8. respondent的翻译

8. An LEO is directed to the products made by a company specifically named as a defendant or " respondent " in the ITC proceedings.

9. In addition, the respondent's level of consumption positively correlates to his or her desire for a card.

10. respondent的翻译

10. An American respondent said that he married a woman in Dalian and would like to settle down in China.

respondent 英英释义


1. someone who responds

    Synonym: responder answerer

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. the codefendant (especially in a divorce proceeding) who is accused of adultery with the corespondent


1. replying

    e.g. an answering glance
           an answering smile

    Synonym: answering