
restarting [ri:s'tɑ:tɪŋ]  [ri:s'tɑ:tɪŋ] 








restarting 基本解释

动词重新开始,重新启动( restart的现在分词 )

restarting 网络解释


1. 再起动;重新起动;重新开始:restartability behavior 再启动特性 | restarting 再起动;重新起动;重新开始 | Resting mark 停息痕迹

2. 再起动:扶架,静止 rest | 再起动 restarting | 恢复 restitution

3. 再引弧:restarting 再起动 | restarting 再引弧 | restate 重新叙述

4. 再起动 再引弧:restartfacility 重新启动功能 | restarting 再起动 再引弧 | restartingability 重新启动能力

restarting 单语例句

1. It also comes as the DPRK has offered conciliatory gestures to the ROK, including one on Thursday to discuss restarting stalled tour programs.

2. Hong urged all parties to create conditions for restarting the stalled talks, the most urgent task at present.

3. restarting

3. But they believe the move reflects the international community's unity against Pyongyang's nuclear endeavor, and called for restarting dialogues to diffuse tensions.

4. The North reacted by expelling IAEA monitors on New Year's Eve, withdrawing from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and restarting the reactor.

5. The leaks have often forced workers to flee the plant, preventing them from restarting important cooling systems.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Despite the anxiety surrounding skyscrapers after September 11, the project pushed ahead with restarting construction in 2003.

7. Palestinian officials have welcomed talk of a Mideast conference, hoping to use the event as a springboard for restarting peace negotiations.

8. Previous efforts only avoided a hard landing for the world economy without restarting new growth.

9. Oil prices also came under pressure from the restarting of a major US gasoline refinery.

10. Rice reported no progress in restarting talks on a final peace deal, the ostensible purpose of the meeting when it was announced.