
restriction [rɪˈstrɪkʃn]  [rɪˈstrɪkʃən] 


restriction 基本解释

名词限制,限定; 拘束,束缚; 管制

restriction 相关例句


1. The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without restriction.

restriction 网络解释

1. 限制;约束:剑之八(Eight of Swords)的意义之一是限制约束(restriction)---受限於一种被压迫或限制的情况中. 如果你思考这意义一会儿,你会了解到只是藉著承认限制的想法,你就暗示了其中有自由的意义(freedom)---因此而打开你的束缚和限制.

2. 约束:我在寻找思想的劳动者和研究者来在伊斯兰教里不变的与变化的方面之间建立必要的平衡,而且,认为诸如废除(abrogation)、细说(particularization),概括(generalization)和约束(restriction)这样的法律学规则能使伊斯兰在现代理解面前表现出来.

3. 限定:一是服从限制或限定(restriction)的权利,二是在战争时期或威胁到民族存亡的公共紧急状态(publicemergency)下可以克减的权利,但此种克减只有在为紧急关头(exigencies)所严格要求的范围内才具有合法性.

restriction 词典解释

1. 限制;约束;规定
    A restriction is an official rule that limits what you can do or that limits the amount or size of something.

    e.g. ...the lifting of restrictions on political parties and the news media...
    e.g. The relaxation of travel restrictions means they are free to travel and work.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. (对行动的)限定,约束,限制因素
    You can refer to anything that limits what you can do as a restriction.

    e.g. His parents are trying to make up to him for the restrictions of urban living...
    e.g. The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.

3. see also: restrict

restriction 单语例句

1. restriction的解释

1. The researchers found the people for the study through an organization called the Caloric Restriction Optimal Nutrition Society.

2. It urged lawmakers on Capitol Hill to formally apologize for the acts, the first major restriction on immigration to the US.

3. In the absence of a bank crisis, such a restriction on cash withdrawals is simply unimaginable.

4. Lee also pointed out that the South African government imposes no restriction on convicts'rights to cast ballots.

5. restriction的翻译

5. Wen said the most important thing in combating corruption is to establish a good system that can prevent power from being too centralized without restriction.

6. The restriction has been deemed a transitional step that will be lifted when conditions change in South Korea.

7. Restrictions of the list of goods through national Trademark Offices allow right holders to avoid additional expenses for restriction through the WIPO.

8. It is the third time that the government has placed restriction on coke exports through taxation this year.

9. Huang also indicated that the restriction increased the gap between different media since enterprises were shrinking and concentrating their advertising investment.

10. Blatter said there would be no restriction on multiple applicants from the same continental confederation.

restriction 英英释义



1. restriction的反义词

1. an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)

    Synonym: limitation

2. the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)

    e.g. the restriction of the infection to a focal area

    Synonym: confinement

3. a principle that limits the extent of something

    e.g. I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements

    Synonym: limitation