
resurface [ˌri:ˈsɜ:fɪs]  [ˌri:ˈsɜ:rfɪs] 






resurface 基本解释

动词重铺路面; 重新露面; 浮上水面

resurface 网络解释

1. 除皱理纹精华:Complexion Expert 一种调整肤色的乳液,名字不详,好象是可以做底乳的 | ReSurface 除皱理纹精华 | Touche Optim' Age 一种抗皱霜,系列名字不详

2. 重铺路面:resupply 再供给 | resurface 重铺路面 | resurgam 我将再起

3. 重新露面:reunion 团聚 | resurface 重新露面 | fascinating 迷人的

4. 重新浮现;重新出现:breach of trust背信, 违约 | resurface重新浮现;重新出现 | far-right极右派的, 极端保守主义的

resurface 词典解释

1. (思想、问题等)再次变得重要,重新引人注意
    If something such as an idea or problem resurfaces, it becomes important or noticeable again.

    e.g. These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movement...
    e.g. The disease was said to have resurfaced in three countries.

2. 重新露面;再次出现
    If someone who has not been seen for a long time resurfaces, they suddenly appear again.

    e.g. It is likely that they would go into hiding for a few weeks, and resurface when the publicity has died down.

3. 重新浮出水面
    If someone or something that has been under water resurfaces, they come back to the surface of the water again.

    e.g. George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals.

4. 给…重铺路面
    To resurface something such as a road means to put a new surface on it.

    e.g. Meanwhile the race is on to resurface the road before next Wednesday.

resurface 单语例句

1. The chickenpox virus can remain dormant in the body and resurface as shingles years later.

2. resurface

2. Cheng said he rushed to get help from their nearby village when his grandma failed to resurface.

3. She died in the Holocaust and the painting went missing during the Nazi period, only to resurface at an exhibition decades later.

4. resurface什么意思

4. There are too many of them and they resurface all the time.

5. The recall is the latest of dairy products to resurface from a 2008 contamination scandal that hit the country.

6. Those antagonisms died down as diplomats sought to restore calm, but are bound to resurface in the future.

7. The risk of allowing for inflation to resurface is that it may go out of control.

8. Slums destroyed because they are illegal or in the way of city development plans often resurface.

9. There also were wrist and abdominal injuries that Williams still worries could resurface.

10. The conflict over human rights will resurface whenever a chance presents itself.

resurface 英英释义



1. appear again

    e.g. The missing man suddenly resurfaced in New York

2. cover with a new surface

3. resurface的意思

3. reappear on the surface