
retailing [ˈri:teɪlɪŋ]  [ˈriˌtelɪŋ] 








retailing 基本解释
retailing 网络解释

1. 零售业:20、零售业(Retailing) 它包括所有直接向最后消费者销售商品或劳务供他们个人的、非商业性使用的活动. 21、 购物中心(Shopping Center) 一群零售企业作为一个被计划、发展、拥有及管理的单位. 22、专卖商店(Specialty Store) 一种零售商店拥有一条狭窄的产品线,

2. 售业:零售业(Retailing)是指以向最终消费者(包括个人和社会集团)提供所需商品及其附带服务为主的行业. 零售业也是一个国家最重要的行业之一.

3. 零售学:量子力学基础 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics | 零售学 Retailing | 流体传动与控制 Fluid Power Transmission and Control

retailing 单语例句

1. Draft standards for rectifying wholesale and individual retailing are expected to be enacted by the end of the year.

2. Carrefour - the world's second largest retailing group - is also the most successful foreign retailer in China by number of outlets and sales.

3. It controls about 80 percent of the domestic market for Chinese character printing and also makes software for industries such as banking and retailing.

4. Wu said fake invoices were most commonly used in the catering and retailing sectors, as they accounted for 51 percent of all fake invoices seized in the crackdown.


5. The conglomerate is eying the huge market potentials in China's retailing sector and the business opportunities brought by the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

6. Analysts have said China's consumer electronics retailing market is likely to contract this year.


7. We will try to dabble into more niche markets in China like mobile phone retailing.

8. Retailing and hotel sectors which saw a business boom during the holiday season found their share prices dipping slightly.

9. retailing的翻译

9. Electronics retailing has been booming in China in recent years as disposable incomes are higher and people's desire for a modern and urban lifestyle increases.

10. The newspaper also said the exchange expects 100 domestic oil enterprises entitled to wholesaling and retailing of finished oil products to participate.

retailing 英英释义


1. the activities involved in selling commodities directly to consumers