
retainer [rɪˈteɪnə(r)]  [rɪˈtenɚ] 


retainer 基本解释


名词[机]承盘,挡板; 家臣,侍从; [牙科]牙架; 保持着

retainer 相关例句



1. Her arrival had just been announced by the faithful retainer.

retainer 网络解释

1. 固位体:固位体(retainer)是指粘固于基牙上的嵌体、部分冠、全冠等. 桥体(pontic)即人工牙. 是固定桥修复缺失牙的形态和功能的部分医学教|育网搜集整理. 连接体(connector)是固定桥桥体与固位体之间的连接部分.

2. 保持器:他做过的矫正保证不会复发(RELASPE),我们知道口腔是无时无刻都在动,不管是牙齿,骨头,肌肉或是其它口腔周围的组织,都有可能对牙列产生挤压效应,让牙列产生不稳定的结果,造成术后的再复发,因此,保持器(retainer)的配戴就显得异常的重要其次,

3. 聘金:因此你必须清楚每做 一项工作要花费多少钱.广告公司为服务收费的标准总是在变化: 目前的趋势是公司收取聘金(retainer)或服务费(取代了原来的 15%佣金).

4. 保留器,保持器:resuscitator 复苏器,人工呼吸器 | retainer 保留器,保持器 | retaining device 固位器

retainer 词典解释

1. 定金;预付金
    A retainer is a fee that you pay to someone in order to make sure that they will be available to do work for you if you need them to.

    e.g. I'll need a five-hundred-dollar retainer...
    e.g. Liz was being paid a regular monthly retainer.

2. (服务多年的)仆人,家仆
    A servant who has been with one family for a long time can be referred to as a retainer .

    e.g. I found the gardener, a family retainer, morosely surveying the scene.

retainer 英英释义


1. a dental appliance that holds teeth (or a prosthesis) in position after orthodontic treatment

2. a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)

    Synonym: servant


3. a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone

    Synonym: consideration