
retributive [rɪ'trɪbjətɪv]  [rɪ'trɪbjətɪv] 

retributive 基本解释

形容词报应的,惩罚的; 报答的

retributive 网络解释

1. 报应的:retribution 报偿 | retributive 报应的 | retrievable 可获取的

2. 报应的; 报答的; 惩罚的 (形):retribution 报酬, 报答, 惩罚 (名) | retributive 报应的; 报答的; 惩罚的 (形) | retributor 报偿者; 复仇者 (名)

retributive 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. If only Levine didn't take so much glee in the retributive slaughter of his other female characters this might have been rather interesting.

retributive 英英释义


1. given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts

    e.g. retributive justice

    Synonym: retributory vindicatory

2. of or relating to or having the nature of retribution

    e.g. retributive justice demands an eye for an eye

    Synonym: retaliatory relatiative retributory vindicatory