
retrieved [rɪ'tri:vd]  [rɪ'tri:vd] 






retrieved 基本解释
恢复;取回( retrieve的过去式和过去分词 );寻回;检索;
retrieved 网络解释

1. 重新取回:Retrieve Call Service 取回呼叫 | Retrieved 重新取回 | Review 回放

2. 取回:Restored 恢复,还原 | Retrieved 取回 | Restructured 调整

3. 找回:restructured调整 | retrieved找回 | revamped修补

4. 寻回:retrievable 可修补的 | retrieved 寻回 | retriever 取回的人

retrieved 单语例句

1. Local police eventually retrieved everyone from the cellar but one of the policemen was also poisoned by the gas.

2. The internationally recognized charge for a debt collection case is 15 percent of any money retrieved.

3. Witnesses told police the child retrieved the shotgun from a bedroom closet and shot Beavers.

4. retrieved

4. South Korean coast guard officials said that the sunken boat was from China due to the characters visible on the retrieved life vests.

5. retrieved的翻译

5. Portions of the codex that have already been retrieved are on display in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

6. It has a capacity for 700 books which can be automatically retrieved by computer.

7. Two computer disks were also retrieved from the compound and are now in the possession of security agencies.

8. retrieved的近义词

8. The court said it had moderated Lu's punishment as he had confessed to his wrongdoings and all his illicit earnings had been retrieved.

9. The rescue headquarters counted the number of bodies retrieved and asked each family in towns near the bridge whether anyone they knew was missing.

10. Ten percent of the embezzled money or bribes retrieved will be used to reward whistle blowers who contribute to the cracking of the case.