
retrocession [ˌretrəʊ'seʃən]  [ˌretroʊ'seʃən] 

retrocession 基本解释

名词转分保; 退却; 再贴现

retrocession 网络解释

1. 转分保:这项交易为转分保(retrocession)交易,指再保险人将自己所承保的再保险责任的部份转分给别的再保险人. 瑞士再保险将得以释放约3亿瑞士法郎的资金. 该公司称,将利用所得资金承保其他业务. 再保险公司通常会从想要分散自身风险的传统保险公司手中接受业务.

2. 后移:retrocervical 子宫颈后的 | retrocession 后移 | retrodeviation 后偏

3. 退却:retrocede 交还 | retrocession 退却 | retrochoir 后部

4. 转再保险业务:retrocede 转再保险 | retrocession 转再保险业务 | retrocessionaire 接受转再保险人

retrocession 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. They were using these as fig leaves for their hitherto colonial rule as well as Trojan horses waiting for the 1997 retrocession to fail.