
retroflection [retrəʊ'flekʃən]  [retroʊ'flekʃən] 

retroflection 基本解释



retroflection 网络解释

1. 折回:retrofit 改型 | retroflection 折回 | retroflector 回射器

2. 捲舌:retrieval system 檢索系統 | retroflection 捲舌 | retroflex 捲舌音

3. 反曲:retrofixatio 后定术 | retroflection 反曲 | retroflection-exion 折回

retroflection 双语例句


1. Besides, he pointed out that introjection, projection, confluence and retroflection were four basic neurotic mechanisms.

2. In this chapter, the four functions of film titles are fully analyzed, that is the informative, cultural, aesthetic and commercial functions. Chapter Two is a theoretical retroflection.


3. The retroflection of Suffix Zi words.

retroflection 英英释义


1. retroflection

1. the act of bending backward

    Synonym: retroflexion

2. retroflection

2. an articulatory gesture made by turning the tip of the tongue back against the roof of the mouth

    Synonym: retroflexion

3. a turning or tilting backward of an organ or body part

    e.g. retroversion of the uterus

    Synonym: retroversion retroflexion