
revel [ˈrevl]  [ˈrɛvəl] 








revel 基本解释

不及物动词陶醉; 狂欢作乐; 扬扬得意

名词狂欢,作乐; 喧闹的宴会或庆典

revel 相关例句


1. Now I'm going to rest and revel to my heart's content.


1. The revels broke up at midnight.

2. Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in England.

3. The big chamber was the scene of many innocent revels.

revel 网络解释


1. 狂欢:reveal 显现,揭露 | revel 狂欢 | revenge 报仇

2. 陶醉:revelry狂欢 | revel陶醉 | retribution报复

3. 狂喜;沉迷:rebel#叛徒 | revel#狂喜;沉迷 | impatient#不耐烦的

4. 沉醉于, 狂欢作乐:(11) Preen 精心打扮, 自满 | (12) Revel 沉醉于, 狂欢作乐 | (13) Out of joint 脱臼

revel 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用reveling, reveled

1. 陶醉于;沉湎于
    If you revel in a situation or experience, you enjoy it very much.

    e.g. Revelling in her freedom, she took a hotel room and stayed for several days...
    e.g. Cats positively revel in heat, whether natural or man-made.

2. 狂欢;作乐;欢闹
    Revels are noisy celebrations.

    e.g. The revels often last until dawn.

revel 单语例句

1. Lohan's lawyer told Revel that the actress was stranded in France because her passport had been stolen during a trip to the Cannes film festival.

2. They're drawn to his dangerousness but they also revel in giving him a preppy makeover, dressing him in Polo shirts and teaching him croquet.

3. The bands seemed to revel in the crowning gratification and glory that their music had brought them.

4. I now revel in cycling to neighborhood stores, taking advantage of an expanding subway network and limiting myself to cabs.

5. BEIJING - Not many people would revel in being called a garbage collector.

6. Locals revel in the beats of the catchy music, all dressed up in masks and plumes.

7. Revel in October extended Lohan's three years probation for another year and warned her to get serious about the alcohol program.

8. Revel removed herself from Lohan's case earlier this week after a prosecutor complained she improperly contacted experts or participants in the case.

9. Hike, revel in the bamboo forests or kick back at one of the many lodges.

10. Lohan on the condition that she complies with all of the terms of her probation, including a requirement of jail time that was imposed by Judge Marsha Revel.

revel 英英释义


1. unrestrained merrymaking

    Synonym: revelry



1. take delight in

    e.g. he delights in his granddaughter

    Synonym: delight enjoy

2. revel的反义词

2. celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking
    engage in uproarious festivities

    e.g. The members of the wedding party made merry all night
           Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!

    Synonym: racket make whoopie make merry make happy whoop it up jollify wassail