
revere [rɪˈvɪə(r)]  [rɪˈvɪr] 





revere 基本解释

及物动词敬畏; 崇敬; 尊崇

revere 网络解释

1. 尊敬:卖了mm变成残废(maim),mm的家里塞满果酱(jam)只有inch是英寸(inch),飞回一寸为畏缩(flinch),拍进一寸用手捏(pinch),吃掉一寸才发芽(inchoate)小蛇在前永远严厉(severe),小花在前永远尊敬(revere)做做在前是乱写/涂鸦(doodle),

2. 尊敬,尊崇:reverberate 反射,回响 | revere 尊敬,尊崇 | reverse 反转,调换

3. 尊敬 如果是一位老爷爷我就会尊敬他:Abho r: 憎恶,厌恶 我痛恨恶霸这号人. | Collision: 冲突冲撞 有冲突可离开忍让. | revere: 尊敬 如果是一位老爷爷我就会尊敬他.

4. 崇敬:reverberatory 反射的 | revere 崇敬 | reverence 尊敬

revere 词典解释

1. 尊敬;崇敬;敬重
    If you revere someone or something, you respect and admire them greatly.

    e.g. The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven...
    e.g. Today he's still revered as the father of the nation.

...some of the country's most revered institutions.
revere 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The increased emphasis on video also could alienate some longtime users who revere Google for its traditionally staid results page.

2. Paul Revere was an early US revolutionary whose fame is based on his effort to warn his colleagues of an impending British attack.

3. Iranians revere the ancient Persepolis Palace in much the same way that the Chinese revere the Great Wall.

4. revere什么意思

4. The ethnic people of Yunnan respect the nature, and revere gods with whom they dance and sing at their festivals.

5. revere的近义词

5. It reminded us of an argument carried in Beijing News in 2005 about whether mankind should revere nature.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. It would be far more useful to set out what exactly children should learn about the 13 colonies or Paul Revere's ride.

7. Although they are Muslim, the people also revere eagles for their free spirit.

8. Through their speeches, we can clearly see they revere the importance of morality and clean government.

9. Israel's minority Orthodox Jews revere the West Bank as part of the biblical Jewish homeland.

revere 英英释义


1. a lapel on a woman's garment
    turned back to show the reverse side

    Synonym: revers


1. love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess
    venerate as an idol

    e.g. Many teenagers idolized the Beatles

    Synonym: idolize idolise worship hero-worship

2. regard with feelings of respect and reverence
    consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of

    e.g. Fear God as your father
           We venerate genius

    Synonym: reverence fear venerate