
reverence [ˈrevərəns]  [ˈrɛvərəns] 






reverence 基本解释

名词尊敬,敬畏; 敬礼; 受尊敬; 尊严

及物动词崇敬; 敬畏; 尊敬

reverence 相关例句


1. The old queen was held in great reverence.

reverence 网络解释

1. 尊敬:为什么性会与尊敬(reverence)联系在一起呢?另一方面,决定美的东西又是什么呢?我已经说过真爱的对象必定是人,因为只有人才有能够成长的精神. 那又怎么理解一位大师级雕刻家的最好作品呢?怎么理解那些中世纪最好的圣母雕像、德尔斐的希腊御者铜像呢?

reverence 词典解释

1. 尊敬;崇敬;敬意
    Reverence for someone or something is a feeling of great respect for them.

    e.g. ...showing a deep reverence for their religion.

reverence 单语例句

1. reverence

1. Wu's working method begins with him ceremoniously washing to show reverence for his craft.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The pounamu symbolizes the convergence of two jade cultures, as the Chinese and indigenous Maori of New Zealand share a common reverence for jade.

3. Most illustrate the patriotism of the Chinese people during this period, detailing both their heroic struggle and the reverence shown for the young revolutionary Mao Zedong.

4. A shared reverence for precious jade has started a dialogue between China and Mexico, and it's taking place at the Palace Museum in Beijing now.

5. Reverence for one's teachers and the importance of education were the backbone of Confucianism.

6. The names evoke poetic imagery, which unite the beauty of landscapes and Taoism's reverence for nature.

7. reverence的近义词

7. Numerous Hindu women fast for the whole month with reverence by complying with strict rules and regulations following that every day.


8. Everyone can feed their parents but without reverence, they may as well be feeding animals.

9. reverence

9. Those who were outstanding in handling general affairs concerning students'welfare, were also held in reverence by their schoolmates.

10. Other experts suggest the Japanese are influenced by a traditional reverence of suicide.

reverence 英英释义


1. an act showing respect (especially a bow or curtsy)

2. reverence

2. a reverent mental attitude

3. a feeling of profound respect for someone or something

    e.g. the fear of God
           the Chinese reverence for the dead
           the French treat food with gentle reverence
           his respect for the law bordered on veneration

    Synonym: fear awe veneration


1. regard with feelings of respect and reverence
    consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of

    e.g. Fear God as your father
           We venerate genius

    Synonym: fear revere venerate