
rhea [ˈri:ə]  ['ri:ə] 

rhea 基本解释
rhea 网络解释


1. 瑞亚:回那位答复我的网友:我看到的资料里没有阿特拉斯,12泰坦是 俄刻阿洛斯(Oceanus) 科俄斯(Coeus) 克利俄斯(Crius) 伊阿珀托斯(Iapetus) 福柏(Phoebe) 忒提斯(Thethys) 克洛诺斯(Cronos) 瑞亚(Rhea) 忒弥斯(Themis) 莫涅莫绪涅

2. 三趾鸵鸟:这可以由他 对南美三趾鸵鸟(Rhea)第二个鸟种来源的描述表明. 物种形成这个问题的研究只有当 博物学家认识到物种分类单位是因次(量纲)现象以后才有所进展. 物种具有空间与时 间的广延性;它们是有结构的、是由秤群组成的;

3. 瑞婭:地神 该娅(Gaea) 天神 乌拉诺斯(Uranus) 泰坦巨神(Titans) 天神 克洛诺斯(Cronus) 泰坦女神 瑞娅(Rhea) 泰坦巨神 普罗米修斯(Prometheus) 泰坦巨神 厄庇米修斯(Ep

rhea 单语例句

1. Local resident Rhea Yamashiro took pictures of a Secret Service agent sprinting toward the pickup truck and pointing her gun toward the driver.

2. Mothers'Day began in ancient Greek times as jubilant celebrations held in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.

rhea 英英释义


1. larger of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed
    found from Brazil to Patagonia

    Synonym: Rhea americana

2. smaller of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed
    found from Peru to Strait of Magellan

    Synonym: nandu Pterocnemia pennata