rhesus monkey

rhesus monkey [ˈri:səs mʌŋki]  [ˈrisəs ˈmʌŋki] 

rhesus monkey 基本解释


rhesus monkey 网络解释

1. 罗猴:Kirk在罗猴(rhesus monkey)中,联合应用CTLA4-Ig及CD154抗体防止肾移植排斥反应取得成功. 罗猴的MHC与人类近似,在异种皮肤移植中,如鼠与猪的皮肤移植,应用CTLA-4Ig及CD154抗体后平均存活时间达86天,异种抗原的抗体反应亦显著地被抑制,

2. 恒河猴:Rh血型分为Rh阳性和Rh阴性,Rh阳性指人的红细胞膜上有与恒河 猴(Rhesus monkey)的红细胞相同的抗原. Rh抗原有40多种,其中临床意义最大的有五种:D、E、C、c、e,以D抗原性最强. Rh阳性的红细胞膜上有D抗 原,Rh阴性则无D抗原. Rh血型无天然抗体,

3. 恒河猴,猕猴:rheobase 基强度 | rhesus monkey 恒河猴,猕猴 | rheumatic carditis 风湿性心脏炎

4. 猕猴:macaque ^ 猕猴 | rhesus monkey ^ 猕猴 | Cercopithecidae ^ 猕猴科

rhesus monkey 单语例句

1. Last year Science reported about researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine who tried to clone a rhesus macaque monkey.

2. Because the rhesus monkey is currently under the State's protection, villagers are now seeking help from the local government.

3. The vaccine was found to be safe and effective in experiments on animals, including the rhesus monkey.

4. The vaccine was found safe and effective in experiments on animals, including the rhesus monkey.

rhesus monkey 英英释义


1. rhesus monkey什么意思

1. of southern Asia
    used in medical research

    Synonym: rhesus Macaca mulatta