
rickshaw [ˈrɪkʃɔ:]  [ˈrɪkʃɔː] 


rickshaw 基本解释


rickshaw 网络解释


1. 人力车:三轮自行车很多地方都有,印度的很多城市也有,但是真正的人力车(rickshaw)我却是第一次见. 在加尔各答的街头,那些黧黑、精瘦、衣着破烂的车夫拉着堆得很高的货物,拉着肥胖富足的男男女女以及他们的孩子,拉着穿着西式的学校制服的体面的孩子们,

2. 黄包车:1873年,法国人米拉看到黄包车( RICKSHAW)便利,向法租界公董局呈报计划. 1874年1月,黄包车从日本输入上海. 故当时上海人又称之为东洋车. 凡在上海租界上通行的黄包车须向工部局捐照会. 抗战前夕,黄包车已达1000多辆. 后三轮车(TRICYCLE)兴起,

3. 三轮车:出了车站门口,便有将近二十个租车叫贩包围了上来,有人力三轮车(Rickshaw)与自动三轮车(Auto-Rickshaw)还有小包车与吉普车等等,一人一句问我们要去哪之后便开起价来,到Siliguri的价格从400卢比一辆包车与25卢比一辆人力三轮车等等什么价格都有,

4. 人力车(日语):Rallye 长距离赛车 | Rickshaw 人力车(日语) | Ricksha 人力车(日语)

rickshaw 词典解释

1. 黄包车;人力车
    A rickshaw is a simple vehicle that is used in Asia for carrying passengers. Some rickshaws are pulled by a man who walks or runs in front.

rickshaw 单语例句

1. Xiangzi was a modest rickshaw puller in the capital, but one who dreamed of a rickshaw to call his own.

2. TV footage showed a crane lifting the rickshaw's carcass to clear the road.

3. A highly unusual rickshaw rally through rice fields and coconut plantations will take place in Sri Lanka on August 25.

4. One man took a big sack of sugar and another left on a motorized rickshaw with a crate of drinking water.

5. rickshaw什么意思

5. Visiting The Rickshaw during the dearth of Spring Festival season was something of a revelation - life did still exist in the capital.

6. In order to spruce up the setting, management is hosting a rickshaw photo contest until the end of July.

7. He attained a job pushing ordinary visitors and celebrities alike in rickshaw like push carts from pavilion to pavilion.

8. rickshaw

8. Take a rickshaw to enjoy the view but be sure to stop from time to time to actually visit these homes.

9. rickshaw是什么意思

9. Join us today as we go On the Town with BBC Learning English, on a rickshaw ride.

10. rickshaw

10. Amir found a job as a rickshaw puller after which he went onto work in a maintenance yard.

rickshaw 英英释义


1. a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger
    pulled by one person

    Synonym: jinrikisha ricksha