ride over

ride over [raid ˈəuvə]  [raɪd ˈovɚ] 

ride over 基本解释


ride over 网络解释

1. 骑马而来:ride on (让)...骑在上面;依靠 | ride over 骑马而来 | right away 立刻,马上

2. 骑马来:ride out 安全渡过 | ride over 骑马来 | ride roughshod over 欺凌

3. 骑马来, 从容胜过, 压制, 对...置之不理:break the jinx 使倒霉 破坏 | ride over 骑马来, 从容胜过, 压制, 对...置之不理 | contradictable 可反驳的

4. 骑/乘......经过:limo 豪华轿车 | ride over 骑/乘......经过 | in style 别具风格地,时髦地,很成功地

ride over 单语例句

1. ride over的翻译

1. The 20 minute ride is not for those with a fear of heights as we swing out and down over dizzying drops.

2. They want to hold a " homeowners association " meeting - a boat ride over the volcano - every April Fool's Day.

3. Hong Kong would not have been able to ride over all these challenges without the support of the central government.

4. " They've plagued me and given me a rough ride over the years, " he said.

5. But the US has used the differing orientations of other countries to ride over them one by one.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Hu urged the member states to consolidate confidence and support each other to jointly ride over the difficulties.

7. We talked of such things a little longer and soon the train ride was over.

8. ride over的近义词

8. Everyone has the right to express his views on the Internet, but that does not give them the right to ride roughshod over other people's feelings.

9. In riding, pentathletes ride unfamiliar horses over a 350m-450m course that features 12 jumps.

10. A modern highway smoothed my ride into a tidy new main street much like those in small towns all over China.