
ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs]  [rɪˈdɪkjələs] 

ridiculous 基本解释

形容词可笑的,荒谬的; 荒唐的,愚蠢的

ridiculous 相关例句


1. It's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life.

ridiculous 词典解释

1. 愚蠢的;荒谬的;可笑的
    If you say that something or someone is ridiculous, you mean that they are very foolish.

    e.g. It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance...
    e.g. It was an absolutely ridiculous decision.

ridiculous 单语例句

1. The Shiyan intermediate people's court ruled in favor of the mother, by saying the sons'" right to know " was ridiculous.

2. This is the very first time the Liaison Office chief has categorically rejected ridiculous accusations such as " Sai Wan rules Hong Kong ".

3. It is completely a ridiculous conclusion both in time order and in causal relationship.

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4. The idea of a chimpanzee pulling out the hair on its genital regions is ridiculous.

5. Clamping down on IPR is all well and good, but my next post office visit was verging on the ridiculous.

6. Before the cleanup campaign of the commission, some ridiculous population control slogans have long been laughing stocks of online satirists.

7. It is ridiculous for the Dalai clique to say that the unrest is participated and supported by the majority of Tibetan people.

8. It is ridiculous to desert fireworks simply because we want to stop conflagration.

9. This is ridiculous - one of the motivations for car pooling is to reduce the cost of keeping private cars.

10. The works record the inspiration and spontaneous thoughts of the creator, with somewhat ridiculous composition.