
rights [raɪts]  [raɪts] 






rights 基本解释

名词权利; 认股权; 右边( right的名词复数 ); 右手

动词纠正( right的第三人称单数 ); 公正对待; 整理; 补偿

rights 网络解释

1. 认股权:不仅被应用与金融工程,也被运用于投资、保险、理财等领域,尤其在财务管理中已经得到极其广泛而深入的应用,试述如下:企业所发行的许多证券都带有明显的期权特征,如购股权书(WARRANTS)、认股权(RIGHTS)、可转换债券(CO

2. 供股权:港股方面,不明朗因素仍未消除,其中内银股的大小非解禁问题、23日至31日的汇丰 (#5)供股权 (rights) 买卖等,均会对后市造成波动. 相信市场大户正对汇丰供股权有所准备,即使交易所於本月23日取消竞价时段,汇丰被舞高弄低亦在所难免,

3. 权限:f) 权限(Rights)类目说明了权限的性质和使用学习对象的各种条件. g) 关系(Relation)类目说明了定义学习对象和其他相关学习对象之间关系的特征. h) 注释(Annotation)类目提供了学习对象教育用法的评论和这些评论何时产生、由谁产生的i) 分类(Classification)类目描述了该学习对象和一个特定分类系统的关系.

rights 单语例句

1. Their proper business activities and legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by the Chinese law.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Hubei Provincial Seed Group recently won an auction for the production and business operation rights for a new species of rape plant.

3. For him, an important rule in his business sector is respecting others'patent rights.

4. They met local government officials and business representatives to discuss ways to promote bilateral trade, foster local economic growth and protect the intellectual property rights of software.

5. rights

5. Its business includes the transaction of property rights, equity and intellectual property rights of cultural projects or companies.

6. If a company forces them to do so then it is infringing upon their rights, and the heating company is certainly guilty of such an act.

7. " And in 2010 we aim to invest over 100 million yuan to buy more rights, " he said.

8. rights的近义词

8. Zhang told Xinhua the website had been buying rights to TV series and films directly from distributors long before the regulation was issued.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Spain and Poland are determined to hang on to voting rights that give them a disproportionate weight inside EU councils by comparison with their populations.

10. Registry fees for acquiring land use rights by means of transferring will be charged at a rate reduced by 50 per cent.