
rim [rɪm]  [rɪm] 







rim 基本解释

名词轮缘; (圆形器皿的)边,缘,框

及物动词环绕(圆形或环形物的)边缘; 镶边


rim 相关例句


1. Trees rimmed the cemetery.


1. His spectacles have gold rims.

2. He fitted the tire around the rim of the wheel.

3. Whisky splashed over the rim of his glass.

4. The mother wiped the rim of milk from the child's lips.

rim 网络解释


1. 轮圈:通常有几个东西要找齐:轮圈(rim)、钢丝(spoke)、铜头(nipple)和花毂(Hub). 如果你手上有编轮工具.......或者你请人手编,搜集了这几样喜欢零件款式和颜色,就可以动手进行了. 其实国外有很多编轮分享,大致上找到方法不难,

2. 边:这也是在十九世纪前叶的发明,它的引药就在弹壳后端的凸边(rim)里,在使用上比较方便. 但是由於凸边是弹壳的一部分,假如要求能承受较高的压力则击发上有困难,因此没有办法用在比较大口径或高装药量的子弹上. 它也一直使用到现代,

3. rim:rotary injection reaction injection molding; 反应注射成型

4. rim:repairs and maintenance; 维修

5. rim:remote interface module; 远程接口模块

6. rim:reference information model; 参考信息模型

rim 词典解释

1. (容器的)边沿,边缘,外缘
    The rim of a container such as a cup or glass is the edge that goes all the way round the top.

    e.g. She looked at him over the rim of her glass.

2. (圆形物体的)边框,边缘
    The rim of a circular object is its outside edge.

    e.g. ...a round mirror with white metal rim.

3. (污垢等)一周,一圈
    If there is a rim of dirt around a surface there is a dirty mark around it.

    e.g. There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin.

4. rim的近义词

4. (篮球的)篮筐,篮圈
    In basketball, the rim is the metal ring that holds the net through which players have to try to throw the ball to score.

5. see also: rimmed;-rimmed

rim 单语例句

1. rim的意思

1. Spain had two seconds to respond but Pau Gasol's last shot bounced on the rim and out as the buzzer went.

2. A valley that cuts through the crater's rim could have been caused by water flowing out.

3. Analysts have estimated RIM could see a 25 percent growth in worldwide customers once it gets fully active in China.

4. China also pledges to play a more active part in promoting free trade among the Pacific Rim member economies.

5. rim

5. But after consecutive timeouts and with the game on the line, the Phoenix Suns guard knocked both free throws off the rim.

6. rim什么意思

6. Macquarie estimated that container terminal capacity around Bohai Rim will likely increase by 28 percent in 2009.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Traditional earthenware pickling jars have a depressed rim so the cover inverts snugly into a ring of water that prevents air from entering.

8. " China and Canada are two important Pacific Rim countries, " he reminded the crowed gathered at a posh downtown hotel.

9. RIM issued a statement Tuesday denying it has given some governments access to BlackBerry data.

10. Its foreign trade volume and foreign direct investment both reached 10 per cent of the Bohai Rim area's figure.

rim 英英释义



1. the top edge of a vessel or other container

    Synonym: brim lip

2. a projection used for strength or for attaching to another object

    Synonym: flange

3. the outer part of a wheel to which the tire is attached

4. (basketball) the hoop from which the net is suspended

    e.g. the ball hit the rim and bounced off

5. rim的近义词

5. the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object


1. rim是什么意思

1. roll around the rim of

    e.g. the ball rimmed the basket

2. furnish with a rim

    e.g. rim a hat

3. run around the rim of

    e.g. Sugar rimmed the dessert plate