ring up

ring up [riŋ ʌp]  [rɪŋ ʌp] 

ring up 基本解释


打电话; 把钱款记入收款机; 赚取; 盈利

ring up 情景对话


A:Room Service. What can I do for you?

B:May I ask for a morning call tomorrow morning?

A:Certainly. What time would you like?

B:6:30 sharp, please.

A:Let me confirm your name and room number.

B:This is Gao Qian in Room 419.

A:Mr. Gao in Room 419.OK. We'll ring you up at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow.


Receipts and Warranties-(收据和质量保证)

B:Can I help you, sir?

A:Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo?

B:Well, our store offers a 90-Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects.

A:What conditions are there on the store policy?

B:We’ll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt.

A:O.K. How do I get the manufacturer’s warranty?

B:Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.

A:All right, those sound good. I’ll take it.

B:Very well, I can ring you up over here, sir.


A:Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?

B:Yes, I’d like to buy this dress, please.

A:It’s certainly a pretty dress. I can ring you up at the register over here.


A:Will you be paying by cash, check, or credit card?

B:I want to use a credit card. Do you take Discover?

A:Sorry, no. We only take MasterCard or Visa.
      抱歉,我们不收。只收Master 或Visa卡。

B:I’ll put it on my Visa card, then.

A:Very well, ma’am. Oh, there seems to be a problem, it says it’s rejected.

B:There must be something wrong with the system. Try my MasterCard.

A:Alright. Thank you. Yes, it seems to be working fine. Your total is $199.00, sign here, please.


A:Here you go, and here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.

B:Thanks. You have a good one, too.

ring up 网络解释

1. 打电话:ring out 宣布离去 | ring up 打电话 | rise superior to 不受...的影响

2. 打电话给:ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话 | ring up 打电话给 | right away 立即,马上

3. 给...打电话:803. ring off 挂断电话 | 804. ring up 给...打电话 | 805. give sb. a ring给...打电话

4. 打电话;<美> 把(款项)记入现金记录机, 登录:215、ring off 挂断电话, 走掉, 离开 | 216、ring up 打电话;<美> 把(款项)记入现金记录机, 登录 | 217、rob of 抢劫,盗取

ring up 词典解释

1. -> see ring 1

2. 把(钱款)记入(收款机)
    If a shop assistant rings up a sale on a cash register, he or she presses the keys in order to record the amount that is being spent.

    e.g. She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.

3. 赚取;盈利
    If a company rings up an amount of money, usually a large amount of money, it makes that amount of money in sales or profits.

    e.g. The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales.

ring up 单语例句

1. ring up的解释

1. Firefighters ended up using a hacksaw to cut through the titanium ring.

2. So we ended up designing the first ring water main in China, where there's one ring - like a ring road but it's a water main.

3. De La Hoya dismissed the notion the sponsorship money would dry up once he left the ring for good.

4. The popular star made his performance extra special by lighting up the edge of the stage to look like a big ring of fire.

5. Equipped with new global satellite based coordinates and offering up a quick prayer, he found the ring after an hour's search.

6. No parade up Broadway, no sparkling World Series ring to go with the 27 others.

7. The experiment was carried out in the $ 511 million Large Hadron Collider, a huge device mainly made up of a 27 km ring of powerful magnets.

8. Several hoops run up the auricles of his ears, and a lip ring adorns his labrum.

9. Trek halfway up the mountain and you can ring a large bell hanging in a pavilion.

10. Chen said land within the Fifth Ring Road is scarce and large property enterprises will compete fiercely to snap it up.

ring up 英英释义



1. to perform and record a sale on a cash register

    e.g. Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes