
rings [rɪŋz]  [rɪŋz] 





过去分词:ringed; rung


过去式:ringed; rang

rings 基本解释
戒指( ring的名词复数 );打电话;铃声;特性;把…圈起来( ring的第三人称单数 );环绕;包围;打电话给;
rings 网络解释

1. 吊环:基本信息 吊环(Rings)是男子体操项目之一. 也是第29届奥运会体操比赛项目之一. 1896年第1届雅典奥运会,设立了鞍马、吊环、跳马、双杠和单杠项目,还有爬绳. 但没有自由体操项目,也只有男子体操比赛. 近代的吊环运动起源于法国.

2. 指環:玩家可以像购买药水(potions)、指环(rings)一样向Arcanists和Traders购买卷轴,而每个都有独特而强大的魔法力量,包括召唤、治愈、或者进行攻击等. 相对地,卷轴的价值越高,魔法威力则越大. 人工制品(Artifact)的强大魔力将会作为玩家在战斗中决定性的力量,

3. rings:r.; 吊环

rings 单语例句

1. They perturb particles in the rings by creating " density waves " of gravity spotted by Voyager 2 in 1981 and in other new observations by Cassini.

2. Before the game, the Pistons were presented with championship rings by commissioner David Stern.

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3. CANBERRA - Recent massive drug hauls showed that strong Australian dollars is part of the reasons that drives international drug rings to target Australia.

4. It is also the largest opening for any film in the canon of " The Lord of the Rings ".

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5. A sculpture designed on the basis of the Olympic rings would occupy the pride of place outside Hong Kong Stadium in Causeway Bay.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. The adage, 'One man's hero is another's terrorist'rings so true.

7. The Chicago Bulls left the court while Miami received its NBA championship rings, then returned to emphatically spoil what was left of the Heat's celebration on Tuesday.

8. Chilean newspapers were filled with reports that the stash includes 10 papal rings and original gold statues from the Incan Empire.

9. rings是什么意思

9. The crew and the fishermen clung to coolers, rescue rings and life vests for more than 16 hours.

10. The creature seems to have russet colored rings, according to a paper published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

rings 英英释义


1. gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes
    used for gymnastic exercises

    e.g. the rings require a strong upper body