rise and fall

rise and fall [raiz ænd fɔ:l]  [raɪz ənd fɔl] 

rise and fall 基本解释


兴亡; 起伏; 起落; 盛衰荣辱

rise and fall 网络解释

1. 升降动作:由于他们的努力和凭借着他们丰富的舞蹈经验,去编制舞蹈技术和制定成规,如身体摆动(body sway)、反身动作(contrary body movement)和升降动作(rise and fall),当然这些舞蹈的精髓并非一年半载就可一蹴可及,也是经过长期的琢磨与钻研,

2. 人生起伏(史汀跨刀合唱):06. YOU DON'T MISS YOUR WATER ('TIL THE WELL RUNS DRY) 思念总在分手后 | 07. RISE AND FALL 人生起伏(史汀跨刀合唱) | 08. PERSONAL 亲密些

3. 涨和落:rips 小波浪 | rise and fall 涨和落 | rise of blocks 墩木升高

4. 涨落,盛衰:stay up late 熬夜 | rise and fall 涨落 , 盛衰 | in line 排成一行 ; 成直线

rise and fall 单语例句

1. rise and fall的解释

1. The draft contract also specifies the daily rise and fall limit at 4 percent, based on the closing price on the previous trading day.

2. In a time of fast change and the fast rise and fall of companies, growing without adjusting to changing realities would easily get a company into trouble.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. The survey also showed mortgage defaults were likely to rise in the next three months and demand for secured credit was expected to fall.

4. rise and fall的意思

4. Will a sharp dollar depreciation cause exports to rise and imports to fall?

5. The rise and fall of the US dollar is said to be responsible for many movements in stock and commodity markets.

6. Part of what makes the Tang Dynasty so interesting lies in the true stories behind the rise and fall of two legendary concubines.

7. rise and fall的反义词

7. A peg to the US dollar means that a country's currency will rise and fall in tandem with the dollar.

8. rise and fall的近义词

8. Funds usually play an important role in the rise and fall of oil prices.

9. Most of the construction was closely related to the rise and fall of the ruling class and the political situation at that time.

10. rise and fall的近义词

10. The shock waves caused the ground to rise and fall 9 centimetres in Sri Lanka.