rise to power

rise to power

rise to power 单语例句

1. But today's political landscape is so fragmented that no charismatic individual will be able to rise to power anytime soon.

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2. " The Fortified Citadel " described the rise to power of Saddam's Baath Party.

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3. China's power consumption in September continued to rise with a faster increasing rate, according to China's National Energy Administration on Thursday.

4. China's rise to be a major world creditor has been faster than its ascendance as a world economic power.

5. rise to power是什么意思

5. Some experts trace South Korea's emotional malaise to the decline of these traditional values and the rise of the country as a modern industrial power.

6. Many Sunnis feel slighted by the rise to power of the country's Shiite majority, which claimed political control following Saddam Hussein's ouster two years ago.

7. The demand for power this summer is expected to rise by 10 to 15 percent from last year.

8. Analysts agreed more policy incentives and stronger investing power are fueling China to rise to be a regional investor in Asia.

9. rise to power什么意思

9. Her reign was the longest of all the female pharaohs, and her funerary temple still stands as a tribute to her incredible rise to power.

10. Western strategists should acknowledge China's peaceful rise as a world power as irresistible and adapt to this geopolitical trend.