rise up

rise up [raiz ʌp]  [raɪz ʌp] 

rise up 基本解释

上升; 耸立; 起来造反; 起义

rise up 网络解释

1. 起义:ring up 打电话 | rise up 起义 | round up 赶扰

2. 起来反抗,起义:courage n. 勇气,英勇,胆量 | rise up 起来反抗,起义 | pick n. 镐

3. 起来反抗:220. go up 提高,上涨(价格) | 221. rise up 起来反抗 | 222. go around 分配,传播,传开

rise up 词典解释

1. -> see rise 1;2;5;13;15;18;19

rise up 单语例句

1. More departures like this from their usual comfortable cadence would have helped " Rise Up " do so.

2. It's to be found at Zhangjiajie in northwest Hunan Province where thousands of sandstone columns rise up precipitously from a deep canyon floor.

3. The chamber said in a report that retail sales will pick up speed this year with the residents'disposable income continuing to rise.

4. That will throw our country into chaos every 300 years because those downtrodden will rise up when they cannot take it any more.

5. Tsang said authorities may give up classifying the cases if the numbers continue to rise.

6. The CBRC has stepped up efforts to control risk management in Chinese banks to prevent such a rise.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. They rise at the crack of dawn, harness their horses and trek up the mountainside.

8. I know the sons and daughters of China will rally to the call, and rise up to meet the challenge of overcoming this great adversity.

9. rise up是什么意思

9. The managerial level has decided to suspend salary rise for all the employees from now on till things look up one day.

10. The carmakers filled up dealer inventory during the last month of the quarter as expected, but there were other important elements in the sales rise.

rise up 英英释义



1. stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds

    e.g. The horse reared in terror

    Synonym: rear

2. come to the surface

    Synonym: surface come up rise

3. take part in a rebellion
    renounce a former allegiance

    Synonym: rebel arise rise