
roaring [ˈrɔ:rɪŋ]  [ˈrɔrɪŋ, ˈror-]






roaring 基本解释

名词咆哮; 轰鸣; 吼声; 怒号

形容词兴旺的; 喧哗的; 风哮雨嚎的


动词怒吼,咆哮,大声喊出( roar的现在分词)

roaring 网络解释


1. 吼声:roarer 咆哮者 | roaring 吼声 | roast suckling pig 烤乳猪

2. 咆哮:roadside trees 街头树路树 | roaring 咆哮 | rochelle salt 罗谢尔盐

3. 喘鸣症:rna virus rna 病毒 | roaring 喘鸣症 | robinia 洋槐

4. 喘鸣:核糖核酸酶 RNase:ribonucleic acid | 喘鸣 roaring | 烘烤;烤肉 roast

roaring 词典解释


1. 熊熊燃烧的;炽烈的
    A roaring fire has large flames and is sending out a lot of heat.

2. (成功)巨大的
    If something is a roaring success, it is very successful indeed.

    e.g. The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.

3. see also: roar

4. 做成一笔大买卖;售出大批货物;生意兴隆
    If someone does a roaring trade in a type of goods, they sell a lot of them.

    e.g. Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.

roaring 单语例句

1. roaring

1. Dragons and tigers are doing a roaring trade at this year's Cannes film festival as Asian producers enjoy record interest in their wares.

2. Neuville's winner sparked wild scenes of celebration in the German technical area, with Klinsmann roaring his approval into the night sky at a crackling Westfalenstadion.

3. roaring是什么意思

3. Roaring is expected to ink an accord on Monday in Australia with Guohua Electric Power, the power generation subsidiary of China's biggest coal producer Shenhua.

4. Roaring waters also snatched 21 parked freight cars from a nearby Union Pacific train, said company spokesman John Bromley.

5. roaring在线翻译

5. Strolling on Shanghai's sidewalks is often a dangerous experience, not knowing when you could be hit by a speeding bike or a roaring moped.


6. A reporter who approached the area could hear the roaring fire from afar, and after a few minutes the gaseous stench began burning the eyes and throat.

7. With roaring lion dance shows and deafening gongs and drums, the normally quiet hillside village put on a warm welcome for its returning son.


8. China's roaring demand for flat screen TVs is driving fierce competition between major domestic and foreign brands.

9. The sky darkened as the susurrus of a drizzle became a roaring downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.

10. Everyone on the ship thought Zhou would drown in the roaring water.

roaring 英英释义


1. a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)

    e.g. his bellow filled the hallway

    Synonym: bellow bellowing holla holler hollering hollo holloa roar yowl

2. a deep prolonged loud noise

    Synonym: boom roar thunder


1. very lively and profitable

    e.g. flourishing businesses
           a palmy time for stockbrokers
           a prosperous new business
           doing a roaring trade
           a thriving tourist center
           did a thriving business in orchids

    Synonym: booming flourishing palmy prospering prosperous thriving


1. extremely

    e.g. roaring drunk