
roasting [ˈrəʊstɪŋ]  [ˈroʊstɪŋ] 







roasting 基本解释


形容词用于烤炙[烘焙]的; 燥热的,灼热的

名词严厉批评; 受到严厉批评

动词烤,烘,焙( roast的现在分词 ); 嘲讽; (对某人)非常生气,严厉批评

roasting 相关例句


1. We bought a roasting pan.


1. She did nothing wrong to be given such a roasting.

2. The chief chef asked his assistant to take care of the roasting.

roasting 网络解释


1. 焙:经高温烘焙(Roasting)后,烟草的性质得以调校,变得更加圆熟和圆润,并带股浓郁的坚果味和细致的芳香. 调味Burley抽起来,早段芳醇,无刺激,且有股微微的坚果味. 若烟草本身质量好,并经适当处理的话,烟草会产生出饱满、香郁的风味,

2. 烤:烧烤(roasting)是在火上,火前或在铁架上烧. 烘(baking)指将食物放在密闭的烘炉里或铁板或铁架上用明火烤,食物与火不直接接触. 浇油烧(basting)是指在食物烧烤过程中不时浇淋调味油,以防烤焦. 要知道这些烹调方法的味道,

3. 烘焙:经焚化处理后之废板边料可供为阳极精炼(Anode Casting)或烧结(Sintering)之原料,而未经焚化处理之废板边料亦可直接供为烘焙(Roasting)之原料,经烘焙处理后即可再送烧结制程进行处理.

4. 焙烧:roaster 焙烧炉 | roasting 焙烧 | roasting furnace 焙烧炉

roasting 词典解释

1. 斥责;痛斥
    If someone gives you a roasting, they criticize you severely about something in a way that shows that they are very annoyed with you.

    e.g. The team was given a roasting by manager Alex Feguson.

roasting 单语例句


1. The delightful aroma of fresh vegetables, spices and roasting meat immediately caught my gastronomical attention.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Its chef prolongs the roasting process of the traditional Peking roast duck, to cut the fat content from a greasy 57 percent to 40 percent.

3. Green beans have no smell, but roasting helps decode and release the secrets of each coffee bean variety.

4. Quanjude and Bianyifang are both applying for their roasting processes to be declared worthy of cultural heritage status and thus worth preserving.

5. Bian Yi Fang is known for adopting a different roasting method - using a closed oven instead of an open one like Quanjude.

6. roasting

6. I learned later that it's a tool to suck extra gravy when roasting turkey.

7. She has a stone grinder to make tofu from scratch and giant terracotta pots for roasting chicken and duck.

8. Quanjude claims to have produced a computerized oven that can standardize the time, temperature and humidity of the roasting process.

9. Time and oxidation are the enemies of good coffee, so most of the coffee at Horst Caf is sold within four days after roasting.

10. roasting

10. The Kebab King believes all his competitors need to spend more time improving the quality of their materials and roasting methods.

roasting 英英释义


1. cooking (meat) by dry heat in an oven (usually with fat added)

    e.g. the slow roasting took several hours