
robbing ['rɒbɪŋ]  ['rɒbɪŋ] 






robbing 基本解释
回采[回收]矿柱;抢劫;掠夺;抢夺( rob的现在分词 );使丧失;
robbing 网络解释


1. 回采矿柱:roadway support 巷道支架 | robbing 回采矿柱 | roche separator 湿式带式分选机

2. 抢劫:8 knocking down my door 砸坏我的门 | 9 robbing 抢劫 | 10 I am stuck 我被困住了

robbing 单语例句


1. Three drunken coworkers were arrested for robbing a cab driver of his cell phone and cash to prove to someone that they were mighty.

2. Police believed the robbers were involved in robbing a man later in Putrajaya, the administrative center of Malaysia.

3. They were fighting for aggression and conquest of other people, and robbing others'land and resources.

4. Police said he has admitted to robbing more than 30 stores in seven Beijing districts, including Chaoyang and Daxing.

5. He used an electric device to shock and subdue the woman before robbing her.

6. The gangsters easily moved from the seventh to the fourth carriages, robbing passengers all along the way.

7. robbing是什么意思

7. In Yang's case, robbing or stealing a truck is an illegal activity.

8. A young man was recently sentenced to two years in prison for robbing a woman in a public toilet.

9. A man vying for the title of New Zealand's most incompetent criminal left his name and contact details with a shop before robbing it.

10. The negative real interest rates are robbing savers of their purchasing power and depriving people of a steady and safe income stream.