
rods ['rɒdz]  ['rɒdz] 


rods 基本解释
杆;竿( rod的名词复数 );棍棒;手枪;
rods 网络解释


1. 视杆细胞:光线通过其中8层,被另外两层的视杆细胞和视锥细胞的光接收器吸收:视杆细胞(rods)负责低分辨率的、单色的、夜间的视觉. 视锥细胞(cones)负责高分辨率的、彩色的、白天的视觉. 它花费25ms把光转成电信号,再送给大脑. 光学传感器有各种途经.

2. 杆状细胞:杆状细胞(rods) 视觉感受器,对光线的敏感度比锥细胞要敏感数百倍. 它们产生无色视觉,使人可以在昏暗的光线下看清对象的一般轮廓. 三分法(rule of thirds) 该规则表示将图像中的兴趣中心放在网格的一个交叉点上.

3. 杆体细胞:黑暗中时,有1.2亿个杆体细胞(rods)在活动. 杆体细胞有700万个锥体细胞(cones)对白天的颜色和光线起作用. 暗适应(dark adaptation)过程--从光亮处到光暗处眼睛感受性逐渐提高的过程. 中央凹(fovea),只有锥体细胞,没有杆体细胞.

4. rods:reverberation on demand system; 混响请求系统

rods 单语例句

1. He modeled the UK Pavilion's acrylic rods out of toothbrush bristles and used matchsticks to make the beams of the China Pavilion.

2. Puppeteers make the figures from leather or paper and manipulate them by means of rods to create the illusion of moving images.

3. rods

3. A TEPCO spokesman said the presence of radioactive chemicals such as iodine and cesium point to damaged fuel rods as the source.

4. These young men would soon pierce their faces with long steel rods, in through one cheek and out through the other.

5. The power link will be used to restart pumps needed to pour cooling water on overheating fuel rods.

6. rods

6. Sea water is being channeled into the reactor to cover the rods again.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. Other contracts that the Shanghai exchange is studying include steel rods, nickel and fuel ethanol.

8. Water levels had dropped earlier at No 2 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex, completely exposing the fuel rods and raising the threat of a meltdown.

9. rods的解释

9. Tentative plans would be for further enrichment in Russia and then conversion in France into metal fuel rods for Iran's reactor.

10. The DPRK will restart the reprocessing of the spent fuel rods, he added.