
roles ['rəʊlz]  ['roʊlz] 


roles 基本解释
角色;地位;作用( role的名词复数 );
roles 网络解释


1. 角色表:些系统使用 SQL Server 2000 作为应用程序的数据库,此系统的实际需要,系统至少需要实现考试题库,用户及其角色和试卷数据,因此本系统数据库所用到的一些用户表(Users)、角色表(Roles)、考生表(Examinees)、试题表,

2. 任务:工作流遵循三个准则:路由(Router)、规则(Rules)和任务(Roles). 路由定义文档、信息或任务传送所通过的路径,规则是流向控制的条件和异常处理,任务是工作流在某一状态下的具体操作. 工作流管理技术是为适应激烈竞争中组织机构内部业务数量大、变更频繁,

3. 管理 NTDS 角色所有者令牌:Quit - 退出实用工具 | Roles - 管理 NTDS 角色所有者令牌 | Security account management - 管理安全帐户数据库 - 复制 SID 清理

roles 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Lindsay has previously spoken about her struggle to find quality acting roles following a difficult year which included yet another stint in rehab.

2. The role was a break for Duran who says China's increasingly competitive acting scene has made it more difficult for foreign actors to find roles.

3. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles.

4. roles的反义词

4. But the current working population will be still active and play leading roles in society in 2020.

5. He called on the European guests to offer suggestions for healthy growth of bilateral ties and play active roles in deepening mutual understanding and trust.


6. It is like a chamber edition of Out of Africa, with equally captivating performances in the lead roles.

7. Soprano Nicola Beller Carbone and tenor Aquiles Machado play the lead roles in the NCPA version of Tosca.

8. Did you plan your career and choose your roles according to your plan?

9. He is almost a caricature of typical movie roles assigned to opportunistic Americans - greedy and licentious in a playful way.

10. roles的解释

10. The actor who plays the roles of emperors and peasants in period dramas is fondly being called " Cover Uncle " by some readers of China's Esquire.