roll down

roll down [rəul daun]  [rol daʊn] 

roll down 基本解释
roll down 网络解释

1. 卷取:roll doctor (辊筒)刮刀 | roll down 卷取 | roll end 卷筒纸用封头纸

2. 滚球:Plate Pitch-投币游戏 | Ring A Bottle-套瓶子 | Roll Down-滚球

3. 轧制, 压缩:roll doubles两张(薄板)叠轧 | roll down 轧制, 压缩 | roll-down furnace斜底式炉, 滚式炉

roll down 单语例句

1. The robot costume comes complete with wheels attached to his arms and legs so he can fold down into a car and roll along.


2. When the wind rises, you can see the soil and rocks roll down the hillside.

3. He said the staff usually roll down their windows when parking their vehicles so they don't shatter in case of a bomb.

4. During hot weather, he can open the inside windows and roll down the blinds.

5. With Team China down one, it set a pick and roll with Yi to create a mismatch.

roll down 英英释义


1. roll down

1. gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow

    Synonym: avalanche