名词秃鼻乌鸦; (象棋)车; 赌棍; 骗子
1. (国际象棋的)车:标记出来 另外比较难找的是 桌子上的一个信的碎片 然后会出现线索房间(clue room)了 可以进去查看物品 我也都是看了一遍蜗牛(snail)、钉子(nail)、提桶(pail)、圣杯(grail)书(book)、厨师(cook)、国际象棋的车(rook)、钩子(hook)
2. 乌鸦:画眉鸟(Garrulax Canorus) 画眉 [画眉-简介] 英文名:Garrulax Canorus 中...秃鼻乌鸦(Rook) 秃鼻乌鸦 [秃鼻乌鸦简介] 鸟种:秃鼻乌鸦 学名:...八哥(mynah) 八哥 [八哥-简介] 中文名:八哥 中文别名:鸲鹆、鹦...桃脸情侣鹦鹉(P
3. 秃鼻乌鸦:据英国国家广播公司(BBC)报导,发表在期刊<<现代生物>>(Current Biology)的一篇研究显示,乌鸦的亲戚--秃鼻乌鸦(rook)在遇到类似的情况时,会做一样的事.
1. rook的翻译
1. 秃鼻乌鸦
A rook is a large black bird. Rooks are members of the crow family.
2. (国际象棋中的)车
In chess, a rook is one of the chess pieces which stand in the corners of the board at the beginning of a game. Rooks can move forwards, backwards, or sideways, but not diagonally.
1. Some have already taken action, according to research by lawyer Deborah Rook from Northumbria University in 2009.
1. common gregarious Old World bird about the size and color of the American crow
Synonym: Corvus frugilegus
2. (chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard
Synonym: castle