
roommates ['ru:mmeɪts]  ['ru:mmeɪts] 


roommates 基本解释
<英>室友,住在同室的人( roommate的名词复数 );<美>同住一屋的人;
roommates 网络解释


1. 室友:该公司将会把MySpace的原创影视作品如<<四分之一人生>>(Quarterlife)、<<室友>>(Roommates)等通过电视网在全球范围内发行,MySpace保留视频节目内容的版权.

2. 同室而居:602 远走高飞 Midnight Cowboy | 603 同室而居 Roommates | 604 老爸迈克 Daddy Mike

3. 寝室室友:9.neighbours左邻右舍 | 10.roommates寝室室友 | 11.match-maker牵线红娘

4. 我受不了我那些吵鬧的室友了:Mary.我剛收到我妹妹瑪麗的一封信. | roommates.我受不了我那些吵鬧的室友了. | 724. I will be back by the end of next month.我下個月底會回來.

roommates 单语例句

1. But many female students and teachers argued that having girlfriends sleep over would affect other roommates and complicate campus management.

2. Together with her three roommates, she stays up until 1 am every night to check for the latest discounts.

3. Zhang lit up her first cigarette just to copy her college roommates and now she smokes at least 10 cigarettes every day.

4. When neither ex is willing to move out of the condo they used to share, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until somebody caves.

5. Many of these students share small dorm rooms with several roommates, so The Bridge offers a place to get some space.

6. roommates什么意思

6. My concerns about fitting in neatly were quickly allayed, when my enthusiastic roommates offered to keep me in line.

7. She recalls that her roommates organized a lavish banquet for a Finnish guest, who got very drunk - as did her roommates.

8. Her previous roommates had strict rules on everything from turning off the light after leaving a room to forbidding friends and relatives from staying overnight.

9. Roommates and professors began opening up Wednesday about the gunman who had killed 32 people and himself in two university buildings on Monday.

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10. Working in different departments, the roommates hardly ever had any communication.