
roost [ru:st]  [rust] 








roost 基本解释


名词栖木,鸡棚; (鸟类)栖息处; 歇息处

不及物动词栖息; 过去事情的恶果显现出来; 自食恶果; 得到报应

roost 相关词组


1. come home to roost : 得到恶报;

2. rule the roost : 当家;

3. go to roost : 就寝;

4. at roost : 栖息着, 睡着;

roost 相关例句


1. Some birds roosted on a branch.


1. The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight.

2. Look! There is a roost in this tree.

3. The eaves of this deserted house have become the roost for pigeons.

roost 网络解释

1. 鸟窝:roorback 谣言中伤 | roost 鸟窝 | rooster 雄禽

2. 棲巢:rookery 築巢處 | roost 棲巢 | roosting colony 棲息群

3. 喧嚣潮汐急流:room 室 | roost 喧嚣潮汐急流 | roost 喧嚣潮汐急流;避风停泊处

4. 喧嚣潮汐急流;避风停泊处:roost 喧嚣潮汐急流 | roost 喧嚣潮汐急流;避风停泊处 | rooster-tail 船尾急流

roost 词典解释

1. (鸟类或蝙蝠的)栖息处,窝
    A roost is a place where birds or bats rest or sleep.

2. 栖息
    When birds or bats roost somewhere, they rest or sleep there.

    e.g. The peacocks roost in nearby shrubs.

3. 自食苦果;得到惩罚;遭到报应
    If bad or wrong things that someone has done in the past have come home to roost, or if their chickens have come home to roost, they are now experiencing the unpleasant effects of these actions.

    e.g. Appeasement has come home to roost...
    e.g. Politicians can fool some people some of the time, but in the end, the chickens will come home to roost.

4. roost是什么意思

4. 当家;作主;主宰;领导
    If you say that someone rules the roost in a particular place, you mean that they have control and authority over the people there.

    e.g. Today the country's nationalists rule the roost and hand out the jobs.

roost 单语例句

1. roost

1. But no regular residence has come home to roost in the Bird's Nest until Attraction.

2. International brands have long ruled the roost in China's luxury hotel market, attracting discerning travelers from home and abroad.


3. The last sighting in the area was of a small flock that made the lake their roost from April to September last year.

4. Sea birds roost where soldiers once waited anxiously to go to war, and peeling paint exposes vast expanses of rust from bow to stern.

5. roost

5. Few appear as ambitious as Christian Molt of Allianz, who believes that he has a better chance to rule the roost than his competitors.

6. roost

6. They used to roost there but have moved to the area near shopping malls on the Orchard Road.


7. Asked which child ran the roost, the Tomb Raider star replied it was Zahara.

8. NEW YORK - Which child rules the roost in the Angelina Jolie - Brad Pitt family?

9. Houses of cards, chickens coming home to roost - pick your clich.

10. roost什么意思

10. Christopher Stevens at the hands of an extremist mob is a sad case of chickens coming home to roost for US and Western policymakers.

roost 英英释义



1. a perch on which domestic fowl rest or sleep

2. a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds


1. roost在线翻译

1. settle down or stay, as if on a roost

2. sit, as on a branch

    e.g. The birds perched high in the tree

    Synonym: perch rest