
rotary [ˈrəʊtəri]  [ˈroʊtəri] 


rotary 基本解释



名词旋转式机器; 环行交叉路

rotary 网络解释

1. 回转(式):Ames实验室和Astronautics公司(一专於磁技术公司将开发一回转式(rotary)原型品性质的磁一冷冻单元(magnetic-refrigeration unit),而能源署则依合约在三年中共提供美金75万元作为经费.

2. 旋转的,转动的:rotameter 血流测定器,转子流速计 | rotary 旋转的,转动的 | rotary apparatus 旋转装置

3. 旋转的:rotary washover shoe 旋转套洗管鞋 | rotary 旋转的 | rotary-driven assembly 旋转-驱动总成

rotary 词典解释

1. 旋转的;转动的
    Rotary means turning or able to turn round a fixed point.

    e.g. ...turning linear into rotary motion.
    e.g. ...heavy-duty rotary blades.

2. rotary的反义词

2. (机器)有旋转部件的
    Rotary is used in the names of some machines that have parts that turn round a fixed point.

    e.g. ...a rotary engine.

rotary 单语例句

1. Rotary International is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian services and encourages high ethical standards in vocations.

2. The government had pledged to improve energy efficiency during the cement production progress by eliminating vertical kilns and promoting more advanced technologies in rotary kilns.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. Sushi from the popular Hangzhou Yuanlu Rotary Sushi Restaurant was found to have colibacillus seven times higher than legal limits.

4. rotary什么意思

4. The incineration exhaust heat is discharged after treatment through the existing cogeneration, or combined heat and power system and electrostatic dust collection system in the rotary kiln.

5. The club is a member of Rotary International, a global network of volunteers.

6. Members of the Bloomfield Rotary Club paid $ 100 each to have a go at cutting the eyebrows.

7. rotary的反义词

7. A survey in 2009 by the Hong Kong Pediatric Foundation and Rotary Club found 74 percent of parents believed accidents were preventable.

8. The company's new headquarters will be in Beijing's Changping district where Sany bought land in 2003 to set up its rotary - drilling rig branch.

9. Masson said he and friends from a networking group launched the show with $ 100 and the help of a local rotary club.

10. They also did not have time to inspect a jammed solar rotary joint on the space station.

rotary 英英释义



1. electrical converter consisting of a synchronous machine that converts alternating to direct current or vice versa

    Synonym: synchronous converter rotary converter

2. a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island

    e.g. the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary

    Synonym: traffic circle circle roundabout


1. rotary

1. describing a circle
    moving in a circle

    e.g. the circular motion of the wheel

    Synonym: circular orbitual

2. relating to or characterized by rotation

    e.g. rotary dial