1. 腐烂;霉;脆性:rotten-stone 硅藻岩 | rottenness 腐烂;霉;脆性 | rotter 自动瞄准干扰发射机
2. 嫌氣性腐敗:rotation system 輪作系統 | rottenness 嫌氣性腐敗 | roughage 粗料
3. 腐烂;发霉;败坏:防腐加工 rotproof finish | 腐烂;发霉;败坏 rottenness | 卢昂鸭 Rouen duck
4. 腐蚀:轮航协定 rotation-of-sailing agreement | 腐蚀 rottenness | 粗货 rough cargo
1. the quality of rotting and becoming putrid
Synonym: putrescence
2. in a state of progressive putrefaction
Synonym: putrescence putridness corruption